Electric cogenerators “PieZeroWatt” ™

They use existing areas of periodic mechanical pressure and vibration for cogeneration of electricity, based on the law of conservation of mechanical momentum. In doing so, they effectively multiply the input primary energy through simple mechanisms, piezo stacks, and other patented technical solutions.

Our developments in this field have so far brought the following registered patents:

PCT/BG2019/000008 “Device for lever amplification of driving force”

PCT/BG2019/000022 “Device for multistage lever amplification of driving force”

PCT/BG2020/000015 “Device for generating energy from an alternating hydrostatic pressure”

PCT/BG2020/000035 “Piezoelectric collector with controllable mechanical-hydraulic amplifier”

A practical demonstration of the “domino effect”, as manifested in the piezo-stacks – here.


PIEZEROWATT ™ – a state_of_the_art overview, as of December 2021.

PIEZEROWATT ™ Video presentation, 10.12.2021, ClimAccelerator Black Sea

PIEZEROWATT ™ – Pitch presentation